Who is Tunisia Ali?
I am a Healer, Aromatherapists, Author, Educator and Certified Personal and Executive Coach with over 20 years of experience in helping to empower women. I specialize in relationships and helping women to embrace their divine feminine energy and create the realities of their dreams. I am owner of the Signature program called Sacred Designs, Blueprints and Powerdigms from the Divinosphere™ (for the new world order) and also BAD. B.I.T.C.H. Powerdigms™ . Bitch stands for Beautiful, Intelligent, Take-Charge, Calling Out, and High Definition. It describes and represents the NEO Woman of the future and the Feminine Energy that I embody here today on this planet as an advanced soul from the Galactic Throne. This movement distances itself from toxic femininity, attempts to emasculate the male, and the Feminist movement, all of which have contributed to our present day debacle.
I created the the T.H.R.O.N.E. 69 Signature Coaching Program that exists to awaken the NEO Feminine so that the Divine Masculine Rises into his Sacredhood. When she awakens, he will rise. This is the natural order of the universe, and we we align, we all win! Humanity is ready to make this sacred shift and the Divine is supporting our transformation so that the divine order reigns Supreme. The T.H.R.O.N.E. 69 brand exists to implement the "Sacred Designs, Blueprints, and POWERdigms from the Divinosphere" as it relates to awakening the neo feminine energy in the earth realm because it is believed that when she awakens, he will rise. The T.H.R.O.N.E. 69 POWERdigm™ was channeled by Tunisia Ali from the divine realm in order to create and build a curriculum around what is necessary to acquaint the divine feminine with what is required to reclaim her throne, the one that the Divine bestowed upon her. The woman is the first teacher, and as such, she must awaken. Once she awakens, he will rise, and then they will rise together initiating humanity's rise.
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